Need our help? | The Welcome Centre

How to get help.

If you are in a financial crisis and cannot afford to buy food, The Welcome Centre can help you. We can provide items such as

  • food
  • toiletries
  • pet food
  • bedding
  • home starter packs
  • baby items such as nappies
  • cleaning packs
  • towels

Step 1 -  Get a referral

To get help from The Welcome Centre, you need a referral from a support worker or support professional. There are a few simple ways to do this. 

  • If you already receive support from a service or professional, you can ask them to make a referral for you. This could be your GP, social worker, community psychiatric nurse or an agency such as housing services, Lifeline or Connexions 
  • You can telephone Kirklees Local Welfare Provision Team (LWP) on 01484 414782 Monday - Friday between 10am - 3pm.  If you don't have a phone to call LWP, there's a free phone at the Customer Services reception, Civic Centre III, High Street, Huddersfield
  • You can telephone Kirklees Citizens Advice & Law Centre between 9:30 am and 1 pm Monday to Friday on 0808 278 7896 and they can refer you
  • You can visit Huddersfield Mission on Lord Street, Huddersfield between 9.30 am to 12 pm every weekday. Please check their website to confirm their sessions are running
  • You can contact IASK (Supporting refugees and asylum seekers) on 07702 382647 or 07926 457599 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and they can refer you

Step 2 - We'll need some information 

  • To receive a support pack we'll need to ask your referrer some questions about why you need our support
  • We know this can be a difficult time but we are here to help. Providing us with the information we need makes the process quicker 
  • We'll ask about your dietary needs, how many people are in your family and what cooking facilities you have. We can make your packs right for your needs
  • If you have allergies or don't like something please let us know

Step 3 - Collecting your pack

Food packs should be collected in person from our Lord Street office in Huddersfield, the day after you are referred.  

  • You can collect your food pack from 15 Lord Street, Huddersfield the next working day after your referral has been made. Packs will be available Monday to Friday between 10 am and 4 pm.
  • In some circumstances, we can offer home delivery. If you are eligible your pack will be delivered to your home or delivery address the next working day. Referrals taken on a Friday will be delivered on a Monday. Please speak to your referral agency about this.
  • All packs must come via a referral. We do not take walk-in requests at our centre. If you need a referral please see here for more information

Step 4 - Need some additional support?

  • Our advice team are here to help anyone currently receiving a food pack to help them navigate a path back to independency, free of food insecurity. If you would like to speak to someone about further support, then please contact our Advice team on 01484 515086 or email [email protected]
  • Our Advice, Guidance and Support team can help you access the support you need by signposting you to specialist services or by making a referral to services that work with you to tackle the issues affecting your finance

    Please note that our advice team can only support people who are using our service for food packs

The Welcome Centre (Huddersfield) is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1151282. We are based at 15 Lord Street, Huddersfield HD1 1QB. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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