As an organisation, we are transparent in the work that we do. You can find our most up-to-date key documents below.
The Welcome Centre has an ethical fundraising policy that outlines our fundraising principles, including making decisions on accepting and refusing donations. Its purpose is to guide staff and Trustees in managing any risk or conflict around potential donations. The policy aims to ensure that decisions on donations are made in the best interests of our charitable and strategic objectives and that our decisions and decision-making process are transparent and understandable to all. The policy recognises our legal requirement as a charity to maximise our income in line with our mission. We acknowledge that the generosity of our financial supporters enables us to carry out our charitable work. However, within the parameters of charity law, we recognise that on occasion we may consider refusing a donation or other involvement with a sponsor or a particular activity.
If anybody would like to read this policy in full, please get in touch and we would be happy to share the full policy with you.